The Necessity of Change
Wow, it’s something we as human beings just don’t do very easily. We may see we need to. We may make resolutions to do so. By a strong determined will, we may be able to accomplish some good change, but at best they are usually temporary, and the deeper needs go unchangeable.
In Psalms 51, David is praying a prayer for change in his life. Please read this for yourself; we don’t have room to print it all here.
If we are going to see lasting change, the right kind of change in our lives, we are going to have to take responsibility for ourselves. We must acknowledge our own actions and sins that got us in a place of bondage, trouble and turmoil. Change begins by taking personal responsibility for ourselves. God desires truth from our heart. A broken and contrite spirit He will not despise. Whether we are saint or sinner we all need change, and it will begin to happen the instant we confess that need so repentance can take place and we can forsake whatever has been holding us captive. Anything that keeps our lives from being full and rich in Jesus Christ is an enemy and must be dealt with before we can enjoy life the way God intended.
It is important that we do not let pride stand in our way. The truth is we all need God’s help. I cannot do right without God’s help! Nothing can take away my sin or remove burdens and yokes from my life but the blood of Jesus! David said, “Wash me, purge me and I shall be whiter than snow”! What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! What can make lasting change in my life? Nothing but the power of God!
Then there is the clear conscience, the joy and rejoicing that comes from being forgiven. “Make me to hear joy and gladness” was part of David’s prayer. To know he had been heard and God’s reply had come back to him: “you’re forgiven, and I will help you” brings great joy to the heart that has cried out to God for help.
Many people come this far in their quest for change but after a time fall back into the same habits as before. The reason is there must be a lasting commitment for change and an ongoing work of God in order to have permanent change. The psalmist prayed, “Create in me a clean heart”. You and I need right desires in our hearts and only God through Jesus Christ can put those in there. Renew a right spirit within me by God’s grace and help us become steadfast, determined, committed, growing and strong; Ready to stand and resist our enemies at every temptation to sin and every plan against my life. Ready to go with God! Where He leads me, I will follow!
There is no place like being in the presence and will of God. “Cast me not away from thy presence” David cried. We have a promise that God will never leave us nor forsake us. We can draw with joy from the deep wells of God’s salvation! In His presence there is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures for evermore; a continual awareness of God’s presence and work, a continual supply of His Holy Spirit anointing, a continual learning and changing that reflects the image of Christ, an opportunity to teach others the wonderful ways of God, a life that is filled with praise and adoration for God and Jesus Christ!
The very best change to make is to be born again. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you a new creature today!
You’ll be so glad you did!
Wow, it’s something we as human beings just don’t do very easily. We may see we need to. We may make resolutions to do so. By a strong determined will, we may be able to accomplish some good change, but at best they are usually temporary, and the deeper needs go unchangeable.
In Psalms 51, David is praying a prayer for change in his life. Please read this for yourself; we don’t have room to print it all here.
If we are going to see lasting change, the right kind of change in our lives, we are going to have to take responsibility for ourselves. We must acknowledge our own actions and sins that got us in a place of bondage, trouble and turmoil. Change begins by taking personal responsibility for ourselves. God desires truth from our heart. A broken and contrite spirit He will not despise. Whether we are saint or sinner we all need change, and it will begin to happen the instant we confess that need so repentance can take place and we can forsake whatever has been holding us captive. Anything that keeps our lives from being full and rich in Jesus Christ is an enemy and must be dealt with before we can enjoy life the way God intended.
It is important that we do not let pride stand in our way. The truth is we all need God’s help. I cannot do right without God’s help! Nothing can take away my sin or remove burdens and yokes from my life but the blood of Jesus! David said, “Wash me, purge me and I shall be whiter than snow”! What can wash away my sin? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! What can make me whole again? Nothing but the blood of Jesus! What can make lasting change in my life? Nothing but the power of God!
Then there is the clear conscience, the joy and rejoicing that comes from being forgiven. “Make me to hear joy and gladness” was part of David’s prayer. To know he had been heard and God’s reply had come back to him: “you’re forgiven, and I will help you” brings great joy to the heart that has cried out to God for help.
Many people come this far in their quest for change but after a time fall back into the same habits as before. The reason is there must be a lasting commitment for change and an ongoing work of God in order to have permanent change. The psalmist prayed, “Create in me a clean heart”. You and I need right desires in our hearts and only God through Jesus Christ can put those in there. Renew a right spirit within me by God’s grace and help us become steadfast, determined, committed, growing and strong; Ready to stand and resist our enemies at every temptation to sin and every plan against my life. Ready to go with God! Where He leads me, I will follow!
There is no place like being in the presence and will of God. “Cast me not away from thy presence” David cried. We have a promise that God will never leave us nor forsake us. We can draw with joy from the deep wells of God’s salvation! In His presence there is fullness of joy and at His right hand are pleasures for evermore; a continual awareness of God’s presence and work, a continual supply of His Holy Spirit anointing, a continual learning and changing that reflects the image of Christ, an opportunity to teach others the wonderful ways of God, a life that is filled with praise and adoration for God and Jesus Christ!
The very best change to make is to be born again. Ask Jesus to come into your heart and make you a new creature today!
You’ll be so glad you did!