Hello and welcome. We are Ralph and Pamela Hale and we are here for the sole purpose of helping you. We want to minister to you the things our Father has prepared and made available to you through and in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Before there was anything else, there was God who has become our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. Even when there was nothing you were in our Father's heart.
Because of sin that separates us from God people are roaming about seeking something to fill the void in their lives. We are here to help you come to the one who fills all in all.
Life without meaning is unfulfilled to say the least. Yet with no purpose for being that's all we can have. We are here to help you find your purpose in life from the Father's heart.
Real Love can only come from one person, Jesus Christ. God is love and from His heart flows all that love is or can be. To live without knowing His love is to not live at all. We are here to help you be filled with and live love Father God has for you.
So come and take your place that is prepared for you in the Father's heart. We'll help you learn your way around and we know that He and you will have much Heart to Heart communication from now on. After all He has been waiting for you.
Before there was anything else, there was God who has become our Heavenly Father through Jesus Christ. Even when there was nothing you were in our Father's heart.
Because of sin that separates us from God people are roaming about seeking something to fill the void in their lives. We are here to help you come to the one who fills all in all.
Life without meaning is unfulfilled to say the least. Yet with no purpose for being that's all we can have. We are here to help you find your purpose in life from the Father's heart.
Real Love can only come from one person, Jesus Christ. God is love and from His heart flows all that love is or can be. To live without knowing His love is to not live at all. We are here to help you be filled with and live love Father God has for you.
So come and take your place that is prepared for you in the Father's heart. We'll help you learn your way around and we know that He and you will have much Heart to Heart communication from now on. After all He has been waiting for you.